JOHNNIE MEADOWS (12) The introverted, heroic boy who creates a world of adventure and escapism inside his own mind in his tireless perseverance to find his life’s purpose. Our dark-haired protagonist is a small-for-his-age, scrappy, complex, pensive, edgy, adventurous boy whose vivid imagination reveals a sensitive inner life and uncovers the truth about his indisputable talents.
HARRY MEADOWS (6) The naïve and loving younger brother, whose selfless optimism inspires Johnnie to finally take control of his life. Blonde haired, impulsive, curious, unfettered, whose thoughtful eyes reveal a sensitive old soul whose new-found courage heals the family by learning how to put broken things back together.
LACEY STONEWALLER (12) The young girl who teaches Johnnie self-acceptance and true love. A precocious, unique, radiant, compassionate, intelligent, nurturing, pretty girl full of life whose unwavering belief in the innate goodness of people shines a bright light into Johnnie’s dark world, giving him hope and the promise of happiness.
MICHAEL SAMPSON (10) The mentally challenged boy who serves as a scapegoat for Johnnie’s own feelings of inadequacy and insignificance. Not allowed inside the fort to play with the “normal” kids, he hangs outside, never giving up hope that one day, he will be accepted by them.
DAN MEADOWS (38)"The Corporal" The overbearing, wounded military father whose obsessive need to control and protect his children is the very thing that severely damages them. A Corporal in the Marine Corps, Dan comes from a long lineage of militarism etched in the anger lines on his face, burdening his tall, broad shoulders, an intrinsic rage mixed with sadness radiates from his eyes. Yet, on the turn of a dime, he possesses a charismatic smile and adventurous spirit with the boys that are altogether disarming and contradictory.
BONNIE MEADOWS (36) The backbone of the family unit trying desperately to be the glue that holds them together. Bonnie’s surprising inner strength occasionally pierces through the obedient stand-by-your-man mentality when it comes to protecting and supporting her children. The “complacent peacekeeper” transforms into a grounded mama bear who will do anything to keep her men protected when their well being and happiness are being threatened.
OMAR WILSON (80) The perceptively wise, old man who surprisingly facilitates a deeper understanding of Johnnie’s inner self, thereby helping him discover his life’s purpose. Omar’s shared life wisdom of “doing good for others” serves as the unexpected metaphysical catalyst, fostering Johnnie’s emotional patina and newfound awakened behavior.
MISS LIBBY (38) The avant-garde teacher who helps foster Johnnie’s undiscovered talents. Her unconventional teaching methods are intentionally used to unveil the natural talents of her students and, through her kindred connection to Johnnie, she discovers his unequivocal talent for writing.
JAMES “KOWALSKI”/ BULLY #1 (12) The school bully who both mirrors and instigates Johnnie’s pain. The leader of “The Bullies" and, like Johnnie, a military brat.
ABIGAIL (12) African American, cute, inquisitive, unbridled and precocious young girl in Johnnie's class who always has her two cents to contribute to every discussion. She is fond of sharing colorfully long-winded stories about her mama and grandmamma, "and that's the truth".
JEAN STONEWALLER/ LACEY’S MOM (32), attractive, soulful, wearing a wig. She’s a psychologist who is struggling through cancer but is more concerned with how it's affecting her daughter, Lacey.
THE PASTOR (57) Norman Rockwell good looks, quintessential man of God. His impassioned sermon about how we are called to abide by our earthly father's instruction, as we are our Heavenly Father's instruction, has a profound yet confusing affect on Johnnie.
MISSY BAKER (90) African American, white hair, frail, sun raisined skin, yet still radiant in her wheel chair. A true optimist and dear friend to Omar Wilson.
THE WOUNDED VET (28) a wounded warrior with matted hair and beard, rendered a homeless alcoholic after returning from Vietnam. He struggles to "wheel" across the street in his wheel chair at an intersection when the Corporal rushes in to help his comrade.